Fina Estampa Country Hotel

Things to do

Activities you can do during

your stay at the Hotel

Enjoy the sun and the outdoor pool

with sun loungers, deck and tables with umbrellas

Relax in the hydromassage baths

Have a cocktail at our bar and sit on the deck

Watching the birds and plants of the region

Enjoy and learn about the fruit trees

Photo spots

Walk around the area

Walk along the trail

with different stations, (pastures, stables, meditation stone, orange grove, valley of the ravine, jumps, stone of the virgin and others)

Massage and wellness ritual in the room

Horses and Cattle

(Horseback Riding)

Reading Spaces,

with books from the region and other topics.

Board games for fun…

whoever loses, pays!

Places to contemplate the landscape,

the sunrise, sunset, night and the stars

Picnic, Fishing and Bonfire

Learn about the origin of many of the hotel's foods:

growing herbs, chickens, fruit trees

Observing the 12 towns and districts

Sales Showcase


Learn about nearby places:

Thames Petroglyphs, Rivers and Waterfalls

Activities according to the hotel's programming:

various classes, special activities, live music, picnic, food and drink tastings, among others.

Gastronomic experience

within the hotel

Meals included

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included in the rate


With options for light dishes and shareable plates (additional cost)


Snack bar in the room


(Additional cost)



Támesis is a municipality in the southwest of Antioquia, famous for its landscapes, water resources and petroglyphs, stones carved by Emberá Chamí indigenous people from pre-Hispanic times. It is also known for its coffee and cocoa crops.

It was founded in 1858, during the process of colonization of Antioquia, by families from Sonsón and its name was inspired by a trip that the wife of one of them had made to the city of London.


Do you have questions?


Phone number

(+57) 300 480 9778


(+57) 324 429 01 61