More about
Támesis is a municipality in the southwest of Antioquia, famous for its landscapes, water resources and petroglyphs, stones carved by Emberá Chamí indigenous people from pre-Hispanic times. It is also known for its coffee and cocoa crops.
It was founded in 1858, during the process of colonization of Antioquia, by families from Sonsón and its name was inspired by a trip that the wife of one of them had made to the city of London.
Located approximately 3 hours from Medellin
Temperate climate: The average temperature is 24 °C.
Information about
Southwestern Antioquia
It is bordered to the north by the municipalities of Jericó and Fredonia, to the east by the municipality of Valparaíso, to the south by the municipalities of Caramanta and Jardín and also by the department of Caldas, and it is bordered to the west by the municipalities of Jardín and Jericó.
245 Km2
Average temperature
1,638 m. above sea level
Important Dates
Cocoa Festival Torchlight Festival
Distance from Medellín
101 km (approximately 2 hours)
16,281 habitants (2018)
Time Zone
UTC -5
Foundation Date
"The land of always returning", "Tourist Lighthouse of Southwestern Antioquia" and "Land of Cocoa".
What do we offer
in Támesis?
How to
get there?
Option 1:
Puente Iglesias-Palermo (Támesis) Highway, km 13, turn left onto “Camino de la Virgen”, go down 1.6 km, doorway to the right of Fina Estampa Country Hotel.
Option 2:
Pacific Highway 2 Puente Iglesias-La Pintada, km 12 (PR 6) turn right onto “Camino de la Virgen”, go up 5.3 km, doorway on the left of Fina Estampa Country Hotel.
What to do in the
Vereda La Oculta?
- Various paths and trails can be explored on foot or on horseback.
- Cool off in the waterfalls, ravines and lakes.
- Visit the Fonda La Rienda or Fonda La Oculta.
- Visit the district of Palermo
- Explore the Forest of the Claro and Cartama Rivers.
- Enjoy the view and observe the 12 towns and districts that can be seen from the hotel
- Fishing
- Fauna and Flora Sighting
- Learn and recognize fruit trees.
- Learn about the origin of the area’s food
- Contemplate the landscape at sunrise, sunset, night and the stars.
How long
to stay?
It is ideal for a weekend getaway. We recommend staying at least 2 nights and 3 days for a more peaceful experience and a more complete rest. During this time, you can combine physical activity (such as horseback riding, hiking), visiting towns, waterfalls and resting.
What should I
bring or pack?
The climate is TEMPLATE, it is usually hot during the day and cooler at night.
The average temperature is 24 °C.
These are our recommendations for packing your suitcase:
Cool and comfortable clothing. Light fabrics are best.
Sportswear to enjoy the roads and trails.
Shoes: Tennis shoes and sandals.
Light jacket or sweater for the evenings or in the mornings when it is a little cooler.
Sun protection:
sunscreen, sunglasses, hats.
Tourist Sites
in Támesis
- Cartama Educational Park “A Meeting of Knowledge”
- Waterfalls
- La Tribuna and La Oculta lakes
- Vegas of the Cartama rivers, excellent places for camping
- Caverns of the San Antonio River, Pirú and Eco stones
- Cave of the Indians and other similar sites where it is evident that indigenous cultures existed that have now disappeared
- Pescadero spa and camping area
- Indigenous petroglyphs
- Ecological trails in the San Antonio micro-basin
- Bosque de Niebla
- Palermo District
- Cerro de Cristo Rey
- Rio Frio beaches
- Hipólito J. Cárdenas Cultural House
- Roberto Obando Cardona Senior Citizens’ Shelter
- Natural balconies of the El Hacha, La Alacena, La Matilde and La Betania paths
- Royal roads: Támesis-El Tacón-Jardín, Thames-Otrabanda-San Antonio, La Mesa-San Luis, Thames-Corozal-Pescadero and La Oculta-The Virgin-Saint Teresa.
Other memorable
of the coffee mountains